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11-11-2022 – Ritual

11-11-2022 Portal!

Today is 11/11/2022. For those who follow numerology - this day is a great numerology Portal day . The last time we had triple digit number was the year 1999. 

      We just had the lunar eclipse - during the election day. Highly charged and emotional time for many. I don't know if many of you are feeling the energies of what is happening. Not just in USA but all over the world. 

      We had a beautiful full moon. So today and tonight are perfect times to sit down and write out your manifestations.    

     Here is what I am doing:

@11PM on 11/11/2022 - I will sit at with a pencil (Carbon) and paper (wood) and dedicate 1 hour - or you can dedicate 22 minutes to write out your manifestations. Since it is full moon, the ritual I follow is based on moon phases, so I will be focusing on what I want to manifest and what I need/want to RELEASE in order to make those happen.

Writing down these should start with a nice meditation! We need to create an energetic SPACE for this portal - There are various ways we have done this. You can choose the best space for you!
Do some breath work to bring your mind to focus on your body. Breath work is the best way to learn to control your mind and bring it to focus on your body! Pay attention to the process. If you need to do some mantras or chanting to enhance the focus and clear out energies and create the energetic space do so.  If you have singing bowls, if you have bells, you can use any of these to pay attention to the sounds and the process. This is how we get our mind to focus - because energy goes where attention goes! Visualize breathing in cosmic & earth energies . With each breath allow your body to relax.. You can say "Aaahhhhhh" or just sigh... to release the tension from your body.. Give thanks to your mind and your body! Every cell in your body, every bacteria, every energy...

Once you have received coherence and feel you are ready to focus on your manifestations and specifically WHAT YOU WANT TO RELEASE - since this is waning phase, we want to focus on release.

Here are some things I am putting down on my list: 

  • To be Fit and Healthy - I release any and all energies, known and unknown, from this life and past lives, from traumas, from limiting beliefs, habits, energies that are mine or others that no longer serve this purpose - to be released from my energetic field, from my dna, from my future so I can achieve my desires in the best, healthiest and happiest way possible! For my highest and best version of me. 
  • To launch a creative and fun business where I will serve, helping others while having fun, connecting, traveling and helping others - I release any and all energies, known and unknown, from this life and past lives, from traumas, from limiting beliefs, habits, energies that are mine or others that may block me or hinder me from achieving this dream - I release ALL  from my energetic field, from my dna, from my future so I can be in the same energetic field as others who are on the same spiritual path or whom I can help and receive help from! to Attract the right people, opportunities, partnerships, blessings and Lots and lots of creativity & fun & adventures! I release current and future energies of ALL that need releasing, transforming and clearing.  Clear the path by releasing all these so that I can find my tribe of people who  are being called spiritually to serve to make this a better world! 
  • God, Allah, Angels, Guides (Your choice of diety),  Help me achieve my desires in the best, healthiest and happiest way possible! For my highest and best version of me and the world.

 You can also make a list of things you want to release so you can:

  • Easily Connect to Spiritual Guides, Angels, beings.. 
  • Easily and Effortlessly find your tribe, your perfect job, the perfect opportunity etc.

I will take 1  hour or you can do 22 minutes

  • Focus on the process of writing as a sacred, magical process. The thought that manifests in your mind, that travels down to your heart and out to your arm and with all the grace, your fingers move to CREATE the words with the energies of your mind, body and soul!! FEEL THIS AS YOU WRITE.. 

These energies will be embodied with your intention into the paper!

At the end: I will focus on what I wrote and really visualize the energy of what was flowing from my mind to my heart to my hands and out on to the paper. Feel the energies attached to this or have flown from your body or energetic field with the intention you set forth! 

    After you read what you want to release ( I like to do it out loud 3 - 7x) - or Until I feel it pulled out of my energetic body and onto the paper to be transformed by the elementals.  When you feel you have reached these energies ( even with just intention) then... 

Start to burn the paper and allow it to burn bringing in the fire element which is a transformative power! The visualization I do there is to visualize what I wrote from Earth ( Carbon and wood) tied to the energies I want to cleanse or release so I can have a clear, easy and blessed path to manifest the things I want in my life - for the highest, healthiest and happiest version for Me. ( remember that when you want this for yourself, you are also wanting it for the entire humanity because we are all connected!) 

So the fire will transform the energy to spiritual energy, transforming and guiding with our intention... after it burns, I follow with the water elemental - I will pour or sprinkle water on to the paper that has burned - Water is the information messenger! It is the blood of mother earth.. Once the spiritual aspect is transformed with the fire, I will take it outside and put it in my garden for mother earth's blessings as well as the cosmos! 

This is how I do my ritual. I am sorry it is late but you can do this ritual during full moon or a few days after. This is a combination of different things combined so you can make it your own using your intuition. My crystals are always with me so having your crystals would also help bring the oldest souls and jewels of mother earth with you!  You can check to see which crystal is more appropriate with your pendulum, radiaesthesia or muscle testing 🙂 Or have them all around you like your spiritual family! 🙂 

  I will be sending all of you ALL lots of love and blessings..
Make it a MAGICAL NIGHT!!!
Ayda Walsh 

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