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Free Weekly Online Spiritual, life and NLP sessions – Sundays at 9PM

Weekly Sessions

Hello Members,
It is time to Welcome 2024!
This is a perfect time to reflect on where we are in our lives and where we want to be. 2023 has been challenging for all of us. We are swimming in energies that impact us at many levels. It is time to take control of our lives, our minds and start to manifest the changes we want to see in the world.
We can all use time to connect and elevate our energies. Most of us may feel alone, frustrated, in shock and lost. You may feel like you are having a bad dream and it is time to wake up. Most do not realize how much impact our environment has on us.
We need to shift from reacting to what is happening to resonating with the divine forces around us. From feeling powerless to feeling PowerFULL! We need to focus on CREATING our desired future vs reacting to what others are choosing to create for us. Most do not realize that most of us all want the same core things - Love, Health, Freedom, Clean & Healthy Environment and Happiness!
We can create the future and the changes we want to see in the world. It all starts with one thought! One decision! One Person!
This is the time we need to help each other, elevate each other. Learning to look at things from different perspectives so we can all grow.

I will be offering FREE - ONLINE - WEEKLY SESSIONS to those who are interested in joining us. I will be sharing my experiences, knowledge and skills of various different modalities and some new ones I have been blessed to discover that can transform all of our lives and take our energies to the next level!

If you are looking for a change, if you want to connect to a higher level of cosmic forces, or if you just want to connect with others - join us for one of the sessions to see if it resonates with you.

We CAN transform our lives, our minds or our future!
Every year, we go through our ritual of "Energizing & Welcoming our New Year!" My family and I will be do these same processes! I get both of my kids involved and we start the year with reflecting then outlining what it is that we each want - and what we want as a family. This is a great way to not only connect with your SELF (and higher self) but also with your kids, partners and loved ones.

We will start with OUR INITIAL KEY sessions that will set the foundation for the rest of the sessions. These should be attended as they will be key to all our successes!
Remaining sessions will be different since I don't know how many people will attend or what we will be working on. Some weeks we may spend extra time transforming beliefs or working on understand what energetic level the issues may stem from.

Please send in any specific topics, challenges or questions you may have so we can ensure to address these. I will be setting up a specific email address for these sessions as well as a special website for those who would like to join for additional info & support outside of "meetup".

Materials needed:
I will have free downloads and materials for you to download and print. It is ideal for you to have a journal as well as a3 ring binder that you can utilize for these sessions so you can add in the materials provided and take your own notes.
This will be a group session and we expect all to keep the sessions private and there will be no recordings of these sessions.

Transform Your Life

If you don't have meetup - you can still join our Zoom sessions by registering here

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