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July Meetup – Discover Dowsing for Geopathic Stress

Saturday, July 20th, 2019 - 10AM - 12PM

Riverbend Park - Great Falls, VA

In this session I want to share with you a very cool process that can help you diagnose and remedy some detrimental effects in your home, for your family, animals, farm, stalls, garden and property in general. We are going to discuss Geopathic Stress! You may have never heard about geopathic stress before but it is all around us and it impacts us!

We have lots of these kinds of things happening in our environment and homes. They may be caused by different things. They may also "appear". In Northern VA we also deal with Radon Gas, Cell Phone Towers, geological faults, mineral deposits, ley line crossings, and geomagnetic grid crossings. In Feng Shui, this kind of energy is called Sha Qi.

It may be the single most effective things you do for your self, family, home, property and animals. It is easy to do!

Here is what we will discover:

  • What is Geopathic Stress?
  • What are the difference causes of Geopathic Stress?
  • Different ways you can detect Geopathic Stress
  • Learning how to dowse for Geopathic Stress
  • How to tune in with your dowsing and asking the right questions
  • Ways to remedy or cure

We are going to meet at the Riverbend park so we can connect with Mother Earth. It is also easy to notice the signs in nature so we will walk through and notice the signs. This is a great way for you to connect with your dowsing rods and subtle energies without the impact of modern day environment.

You will need to bring your own dowsing rods, You can purchase your own dowsing rods from Amazon – see my recommended ones on my new website atΒ

This is going to be a 2-2.5 hr - Hands-On-Learning session. You can stay a little later if you like. You can also invite your kids or friends if you would like for them to learn how to do this. we are going to limit this to 20 people. Please RSVP to reserve your spot. I will provide additional materials.

My goal is to share my knowledge and skills with as many people as possible and in order to do that, this year I am putting a lot of my practices online as videos and online courses. This session will be free to those who attend the Meetup session in exchange for allowing me to record it, so I can share successes, struggles with the rest of the world. If you RSVP, you are agreeing to be part of the sharing and recordings πŸ™‚

I look forward an awesome sharing session!

To RSVP for this Meetup, Visit:

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