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Ozone: The 5$ remedy For Viruses and Antioxidants Myths – Dr. Robert Rowen

We’re being ‘pharmed’ by Pharma – Dr Robert Rowen

Dr. Rowen just turned 70 years old (and he looked amazing, especially his skin) and has been practicing alternative medicine for over 40 years. When I walked into Dr. Rowen’s office, he was treating his blood with ozone, also known as O3. Ozone is a molecule composed of 3 atoms of oxygen (O3).  It can significantly improve biochemical pathways and metabolism in the body.  Our immune cells naturally produce ozone in our bodies.  Ozone is known to break up bacterial cells, disrupt virus reproduction, and destroy toxins. Ozone increases oxygenation and improves blood flow throughout the entire body. The strongest method is usually to give ozone blood treatments.  The most effective treatment Dr. Rowen has found for pain is injecting ozone into joints/painful areas. 

Dr. Rowen went to Sierre Leone during the Ebola pandemic and successfully treated five people with Ebola. Due to politics, which you’ll learn about in the podcast, Dr Rowen was forced to stop treating people.

What does the Ebola virus have to do with today you might ask? Well, the Ebola virus shares similar properties to that of the Coronavirus, which Dr. Rowen outlines in our podcast. Based on these properties, there’s a great chance that ozone could be used to treat Coronavirus as well.

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