

Aries is a Fire sign ruled by Mars- They have an abundance of energy.

Aries are also a Cardinal sign, and therefore impulsive, able to concentrate an enormous amount of energy in a short period of time.

Aries is associated with the head area. Like the mind, they are on the go! They are energetic, impulsive and can be impatient. They tend to react and act despite obstacles.  They like to start things but typically find it hard to finish what they start. 
They like attention and like to be first. 

They like to get things rolling and have lots or energy and ideas. 

Depending on what area in the cycle the Aries person was born, they may represent some of these other characteristics:

Born with Moon in Aries

The energy of Aries is powerful but it can be difficult to control. When a person is born with his or her Moon in the sign of Aries, everything associated with the Moon gets filled with the powerful energy of the sign, and this energy wants to be spent. If it is not spent for any good purpose, then it will be splashed out as conflicts or dissipated in the body creating various health problems. 

Moon-in-Aries people are a bit like an adventurer who has just landed in a new unknown country. They enjoy freedom, desire to go ahead and bravely experience whatever life can offer to them. As some people would say, they rush in where angels fear to tread. But feeling themselves in an uncharted territory, they are self-sufficient, resourceful, and are used to relying primarily on themselves. 

People born with the Moon in Aries like challenges, as they see in them an opportunity to test how good they are. And of course they always want to be the first and the best, to excel in everything they do. Easily excitable, they welcome all innovations. They would hate a routine, predictable and boring life. They are full of creativity and initiative, very good at starting new projects, but usually they don't have enough stamina to bring all their started projects to completion. 

Hot Emotions:  The Moon rules emotions, and the Moon-in-Aries person's emotions can "go over the top" from time to time, and can be difficult to hide. Even in less extreme cases, the emotions of such a person are so powerful that everything he or she thinks about is literally written on their faces, and it can be difficult for such people to deceive or to pretend that they have in mind something different. 

Moon-in-Aries people can quickly become angry or irritated, but not for long. Unless they are not contradicted or attacked, they will calm down very quickly

By nature, they are honest and direct -- sometimes too much so -- and other people might occasionally perceive them as rude and lacking political wisdom

High EnergyThe Moon is closely associated with the human body, and Moon-in-Aries people need to be able to perform some physical activity to feel good. Many of them choose as their hobby some kind of sport, from jogging to martial arts, or they might push and urge everyone around them to do this or that, to do it faster, to move. A Moon-in-Aries person can become quite a nuisance for those less- energized individuals! Aries Moon individuals want to be busy all the time, and if there is a problem, they tackle it without delay or, if the problem is long-existing, they might provoke a crisis to try and get rid of it. 

The influence of Mars can move Moon-in-Aries people into activities that re- quire courage and fighting spirit. They might find themselves in sports, in the Army, in search and rescue or firefighting teams, or in similar occupations asso- ciated with speed, risk and danger. 

Speed: Moon-in-Aries folks adore doing things as quickly as possible, in a "fast and furious" way. One reason for this is that the energy of Aries comes in impulses, and when the impulse is over, one might find it difficult to complete what was started. Not surprisingly then that among people who were born with the Moon in Aries we can find many men and women who pursue activities where speed is of utmost importance, such as car racing for instance. 

The same need for speed can also show itself as impatience: the Moon-in-Aries people hate waiting, they want everything to happen right now, immediately, and they often won't be too shy to let everyone know about their expectations. Speed is a general attribute of most Moon-in-Aries individuals. They do every- thing quickly, they walk quickly, they cook food quickly (and can burn it from time to time), and they also develop quickly. When looking for celebrities with the Moon in Aries, I met many prodigies: they developed so quickly that achieved a very high level in one or another occupation very early in their life. 

Pioneers: Aries is the first Sign of the Zodiac, and those who were born with the Moon in Aries often become pioneers in their field, they open new doors for humanity. They have for that all the necessary qualities, as they are full of initiative, can de- vote themselves completely to one important thing, and they are very independent. Although most people would enjoy some support from the others, Moon-in-Aries people don't usually need much of support or approval. They just go ahead and do whatever they consider to be right, while the others are welcome to follow. Some of the famous Moon-in-Aries pioneers explored the physical world.
Ex: Bill Gates, Jose Silva, Steve Jobs, Galilei Galileo, Angelina Jolie

A good example of the ability of the Moon-in-Aries people to start from nothing and to achieve very quickly a lot, sometimes with very little or no support. 

Moon-in-Aries people are good at doing things in an unusual way, which is actu- ally a byproduct of their pioneering approach. If that unusual way resonates well with the other people, they can achieve a great success.

Fighting Spirit: The energy of Mars, the ruler of Aries, moves those who were born with the Moon in Aries to achieve, to win, to conquer. They will fight for whatever they believe is right. Since the Moon is strongly associated with women, from the astrological point of view, many of Moon-in-Aries women display the fighting spirit of Aries very strongly. They are the commanders, the generals of their lives, and therefore when choosing a partner they'd better find someone milder and less energetic than themselves, otherwise there can be a clash of wills. 

Moon in Aries in the Family 

Moon in aries girls are often tomboys ex: Angelina Jolie


AstrologyARIESAries is a Fire sign ruled by Mars- They have an abundance

