Whole movement – folding circles – sacred geometry

While looking through pages, i found this very cool artist who creates amazing art folding paper plates!! 

Author/sculptor Bradford Hansen-Smith http://wholemovement.com explores information stored in a flattened sphere (circle). Based on techniques introduced to him by Buckminster Fuller, Hansen-Smith carries on a traditional of folding/observing/reflecting begun by Friedrich Froebel. Froebel's colleague Eleanore Heerwart brought these techniques to America where a young Bucky was exposed during his Froebel Kindergarten experience.

Bradford Hansen-Smith has spent decades exploring what a re-formed flattened sphere can show us when the information stored becomes uncompressed by moving the circle plane through all three spatial dimensions.

After a half dozen books and numerous worldwide workshops he produced this video in 2007 as an introduction to the first nine folds of the circle. These activities use paper plates and are designed for both adultsand children as young as 4 year of age.

Folding circles can generate traditional polygons, polyhedra, and many other beautiful and complex systems using only paper plates (or other paper circles) that are not possible to create using any other methods of modeling. There is a companion interview video with Hansen-Smith.

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Ayda Walsh

My passion is sharing my knowledge, skills and experience with those who may benefit from them. My website is always a work in progress...
