Smart Meters, EMF, & Northern VA

What is a Smart Meter?

 Smart meters are the latest technology advancement in the metering world, providing customers with new ways to conserve energy and improve Dominion Energy's operations. The network of smart meters is referred to as Advanced Metering Infrastructure, or AMI. Smart meters are the foundation to create a smart grid.

How Does it Work?

The smart meter is part of a system that enables remote two-way communication between the meter and Dominion Energy. The system uses radio frequency mesh technology to securely gather data from the meter.  The network access point (router) collects the data and periodically transfers the data to Dominion Energy via a secure cellular network. The routers are strategically placed in the field to ensure information is passed from its source to its destination as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Symptoms May Include

  • Sleep problems (insomnia, difficulty falling asleep, night waking, nightmares)
  • Stress, agitation, anxiety, irritability
  • Headaches, sharp pain or pressure in the head
  • Ringing in the ears, ear pain, high pitched ringing
  • Concentration, memory or learning problems
  • Fatigue, muscle or physical weakness
  • Disorientation, dizziness, or balance problems
  • Eye problems, including eye pain, pressure in the eyes,
  • Cardiac symptoms, heart palpitations, heart arrhythmia, chest pain
  • Leg cramps, or nephropathy
  • Arthritis, body pain, sharp, stabbing pains
  • Nausea, flu-like symptoms
  • Sinus problems, nose bleeds
  • Respiratory problems, cough, asthma
  • Skin rashes, facial flushing
  • Urinary problems
  • Endocrine disorders, thyroid problems, diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Changes in menstrual cycle
  • Hyperactivity or changes in children’s behavior
  • Seizures
  • Recurrence of cancer
  • Taken from EMF Safety Network Survey 2011
  • Symptoms after Exposure to Smart Meter Radiation By Dr. Ron Powell

Smart Meters in Virginia

Virginia State Smart Meter Map

Smart Meters in Northern Virginia

Northern VA and Smart Meters


Find out what is happening around the world and how people are being impacted! As well as those who will reveal their thoughts on the issues and hidden agendas behind the implementations. Check out my documentary highlights here.

Dominion Power - Opting Out Options


Understand what smart meters are, how they work, potential impacts. 

Understand your options - if you live in a condo, TH or Home

Decide what are comfortable with

What is EMF? How is it different than Radio Waves vs Dirty Electricity?

Where are we locally with Smart Meters

Virginia Smart Meters & Dominion Power

Northern VA Smart Meters Status

Inside the Beltway Smart Meters

How you can Opt-out of Smart Meters with Dominion Power 

What can you do to minimize the impact of Smart meters?

Protecting your home

Measuring RF & EMF in your Home & work

Autism and Research - Microwave and other Frequency exposure

Smart Homes - Good idea or health, security, privacy hazard? Educate yourself and understand before implementing.

Northern VA Community Movement


See this EMF Health Effects 2019 Survey for an overview and how you can limit your exposure!

See my page on REDUCING EMF 


NO to smart meters in our homes
Cell Towers in Parks and School properties! 
Say NO to government controlled Education
Say NO to  government controlled HEALTH
Say NO to government controlled

Find out more about -

Please look at the pages below for all kinds of videos, links, and details:

All around the world people are reporting wireless is affecting their health. We’ve collected many smart meter health complaints and posted them here. Utilities claim smart meters are safe, and compare them to cell phones.  However, cell phones, cell towers, wi-fi and other wireless devices can also affect you.  Reducing your EMF exposure can benefit your overall health and wellness.  Learn more about how to reduce EMF’s, and sign up to stay informed!

Learn about the science:

The National Toxicology Program found a statistically significant increase in brain cancers from exposure to cell phone frequencies.

In 2015, 220 scientists who had published in peer-reviewed journals from 41 nations signed the International Scientists Appeal. Their warnings included cell phones, infrastructure, Wi-Fi, ‘smart’ meter/grid technology, as well as devices like baby monitors and commercial broadcast uses.

The BioInitiative report, updated in 2012 contains nearly 2000 papers reviewed by 29 international scientists from over 20 countries on the health and environmental effects of electromagnetic fields. Their conclusions note that the continued rollout of wireless technologies jeopardizes global health and recommends stricter biologically based standards, lower exposure limits, and a more cautious, science-based approach.

The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies wireless radiation as a 2B carcinogen, based on studies linking cell phone radiation to brain tumors!  Brain tumors are the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in children age 0-14

I copied a few of these paragraphs from an awesome, informative site here:

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