EMF Smart Meters: Step by Step

emf meters

Step by Step Smart Meter Info & What You Can Do

Understand what smart meters are, how they work, potential impacts

Understand your options - if you live in a condo, townhouse, or single family home

Decide what are comfortable with

What is EMF? How is it different than Radio Waves vs Dirty Electricity?

Where are we locally with Smart Meters?

Virginia Smart Meters & Dominion Power

Northern VA Smart Meters Status

Inside the Beltway Smart Meters

How you Can Opt-Out of Smart Meters with Dominion Power

What can you do to minimize the impact of Smart meters?

Protecting your home

Measuring RF & EMF in Your Home and Work

Autism and Research - Microwave and Other Frequency Exposure

Smart Homes - Good idea or health, security, privacy hazard? Educate yourself and understand before implementing.

Northern VA Community Movement

InPower Movement

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About the author

Ayda Walsh

My passion is sharing my knowledge, skills and experience with those who may benefit from them. My website is always a work in progress...
