All posts in "Mind"

Memory Loss, ADD, Old Age or Something more?

By Ayda Walsh

Brain function disabilities are on the rise – how do we reverse and take control of this epidemic – at least on a personal level? Your body has the ability to heal – we just need to give it the right environment and foods.. read more..


How To Make Brainwave and Hypnosis MP3s

By Ayda Walsh

​This is the first part of the four video series on How to Make Brain Wave and Hypnosis MP3s. In this video, they talk about the materials you need and the states of mind you can induce by taking the time to create your MP3s.


Joe Dispenza is now on GAIA!

By Ayda Walsh

I have been a BIG BIG Fan of Dr. Joe Dispenza ever since “What the BLEEP do we know??”
I still to this day follow a lot of his practices and love what he does and how he integrates Scientific research with the power of the mind and is now working with HeartMath Institude to track the coherence of Heart and Mind during the amazing healing sessions


CT Scans and Radiation

By Ayda Walsh

We did the full body scan where they will scan you from head to pelvis; your heart, lungs, organs and we also did the virtual colonoscopy. We walked out with things we had no idea about. We wanted to have a baseline as we start a new “Healthier Lifestyle” chapter and goals going forward.


Brainwave Entrainment Software Options

By Ayda Walsh

I loved Transparent corp’s products for creating Brainwave Entrainment sessions for my NLP, Hypnosis and Coaching clients (and of course myself and my family). Since they decided to close the doors to the business and start a more profitable company, a lot of us were left on our own with no way to utilize the software on newer versions of Windows.


Life Changing Events and Processes

By Ayda Walsh

Today I got a call from a student who took one of my NLP Trainings when I used to offer it with Judy Pearson. She had been searching for me and wanted to just reach out to tell me that our training was the single most impactful thing in her life during a very tough time for her. It was so nice to hear from her and to know that she took control of her life and mind and manifested her dreams


The War on Consciousness – REMOVED Tedx Talk

By adminsupport

In the Tedx Talk below he discusses the War on Consciousness including life after death and the power of Ayahausca. Ayahausca, also known as the “Vine of Souls” or “Vine of Death”, is a spiritual medicine from the Amazon often consumed in the form of a brew made from the Banisteriopsis caapi (Ayahausca) vine


Moon, Crop Circles and Scalar Waves

By aydawalsh

We always see only the single face of the moon, in all her phases, inclined towards Earth in permanent hold — a geomagnetic/lunar arrangement which is scientifically impossible according to simple gravitational theory — only one of the moon’s many anomalies

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