All posts in " emf research "

Credibility – Belief – Contradiction – EMFs

By Ayda Walsh

I wanted to outline an example (and my opinion) on some amazing and disappointing statements made by “credible” sources who talk about things they clearly do not have experience with. I wanted to show these so you can make your own judgement and decide what “criteria” you consider to be credible. We often start to believe things we didn’t believe in once we experience them for ourselves.


EMF Documentary : WiFi Refugees – Electrosensitive People Try To Escape from Wireless Technology

By Ayda Walsh

Electromagnetic-Sensitivity (ES) or Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) is a condition in which adults and children develop intolerance to radiation from wireless technology devices and infrastructure such as cell phones, Wi-Fi, wireless utility “smart”meters and cell towers and antennas. Once they develop the condition, they experience various symptoms from tingling in the hands and pain in the head when using a cell phone to severe and disabling illness.
