Electromagnetic Fields (EMF)

​​​​​EMF and Health

We are all electromagnetic beings surrounded by our own electromagnetic fields. Our cell communicate with each other through electrical impulses. Numerous studies have shown that our bodies are vulnerable to man-made EMFs though not all forms of EMFs are dangerous, so it is important for us to know what are EMFs and types affecting our health and how they can be mitigated (check here EMF Services)​ for Sacred Home and Healthy Living. Harmful EMFs from different sources ; electric fields exposure, magnetic fields exposure, radio frequency exposure and dirty electricity exposure  at certain levels disrupt our natural cycles and rhytm and can cause numerous health related problems. The present EMFs pollution will one day escalate into an epedimic affecting the entire planet. Each of us has an important role to play in raising public awareness and protecting ourselves and future generations. In this section of my site, will link to different blog posts; studies, research and articles, videos, documentaries of Health Effects of Harmful EMF radiations and how they may be mitigated. Together we can handle and preserve our health, while still enabling safe use of technology upon which it seems we are now so dependent. By being aware of the adverse health effects of harmful EMFs, we hope it makes a difference in your lifestyle and health. 

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EMF Health Alert :

Good or Bad EMF, You Decide: Radio Frequency Therapy

Are Radio Frequency Treatments Actually Safe? Radio frequency treatments, RF treatments, have been used since 2001 for improving skin without surgery. The quick, comfortable treatment doesn't leave any scars and doesn't require recovery time. RF Treatments from certified estheticians with FDA cleared technologies are considered to be the most safe,


EMF Documentary : WiFi Refugees – Electrosensitive People Try To Escape from Wireless Technology

EMF Documentary : Wi-Fi Refugees - Electrosensitive People To Escape Wireless Technology Watch this documentary investigating the struggles of Wifi Refugees. These people claim to suffer from electrosensitivity (ES) - a condition in which EMFs affect their health and well-being.  What is Electrosensitivity (ES) or Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS)?  Electromagnetic-Sensitivity (ES)


BioInitiative Report

Biointiative Report If you are interested in more detail about EMF which offers a collective work put together by a group of international authors (including 22 PhDs) about the research and studies available on EMF radiation and its impact on health - then check out this FREE - 1,600 page


PEMF and EMF: What is the Difference?

Confused about good and bad EMF? If you are an alternative/integrative healer/practitioner, you may be confused or have confused clients when it comes to Frequency Healing, PEMF and good vs bad zapping! Take a look at this infographics showing the difference between EMF (Electromagnetic Fields) and PEMF (Pulsated Electromagnetic Fields).


EMF and Physicians – PHIREmedical.org

What Doctors Should Know About EMF Radiation Research This is an awesome video from the Founder of Physicians’ Health Initiative for Radiation and Environment ( PHIRE) PHIREMedical.org - Dr. Erica Mallery-Blythe! There are multiple reasons why someone’s health may be impacted. In this video, Dr. Erica Mallery-Blythe talks about how
